How many more of these stories do we have to hear? I'm so sick of these politicians and their stupidity. They're so full of power and think they're above the law. And if you look at them, and Eliot Spitzer in particular, please tell me what woman would even want this guy. No wonder he had to pay a prostitute. And his fall from grace is even more notable since he preached on a platform of high morality yet I guess he felt he didn't have to follow the rules himself. He was someone who enjoyed bringing down other powerful men or should I say helping in the ruination of their careers. Well, I guess the words "What Goes Around, Comes Around" are true in his case. Enjoy the ride Mr. Spitzer.
But here's my real complaint. When will the time come when one of these wives has the backbone to tell her guy to do the press conference himself? Why do these wives have to stand before the world and be humiliated because of their husbands' trangressions. Is it "Stand By Your Man" no matter what. This guy is the married father of three daughters and a man in public office who owes something both to his family and to the people he represents yet he has no problem laying out in excess of $80,000 to prostitutes. And this is what Silda Spitzer chooses to stand by. Tell him to get the heck out of your life. It's something Hillary Clinton should have done years ago. I think she'd be more respected today if she had had more respect for herself and kicked him out .....of the white house. Well, I guess she couldn't have done that. Too bad as he's another arrogant one who is above the law.
And then we have Dr Laura Schlessinger on The Today Show blaming it on his wife because she didn't spend enough time thinking how to give her man what he needs. According to reported documents, he was paying a higher price than usual because what they were doing was considered dangerous. Excuse me Dr. Schlessinger that his wife didn't realize this was what he needed to feel just a little bit more arrogant than he already was.
The name of the prostitution ring was called The Emperor's Club and clearly, in this case, the Hans Christian Andersen tale rings true as This Emperor Had No Clothes.
GRRRRRRRR thanks for saying exactly what I was thinking.
Did you see the website for this "escort service"? Your brother who is so precise about grammar needs to read it....he will be apoplectic! It is so poorly written. Of course, what would I expect, that the people reading it give a damn about grammar and punctuation?
I wouldn't rely on sensationalistic second-hand accounts. Did you actually see the video? The whole video? Did you watch and listen carefully? Dr. Laura was not excusing Spitzer, who is probably a malignant narcissist.
She was talking about "in general" - Dr. Laura says that ***IF*** you choose a GOOD man ***AND*** you treat him right, he will not stray. Nowhere does she excuse men for their decisions to commit adultery. However, she recognizes that if a wife isn't living by her marital vows (which are more than just "forsaking all others"), THEN a man is more likely not to live by his, either.
You don't have to like her or agree with her, but is it a good idea to spread false witness?
Spreading false witness??? Here are the actual quotes.... "These days, women don't spend a lot of time thinking how they can give their men what they need."
“When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings, sexually, personally, to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like her hero, he’s very susceptible to the charm of some other woman making him feel what he needs,”
“The cheating was his decision to repair what’s damaged and to feed himself where he’s starving,” Schlessinger explained. “But, yes, I hold women responsible for tossing out perfectly good men by not treating them with the love and kindness and respect and attention they need.”
I rest my case.
Since "Dr." Laura was asked on the show to discuss what Spitzer did, her "in general" comments were not really "in general", were they?
And yes, I watched the show. Carefully. And then, not believing what I had heard, I watched the video online.
Laura said that if a man's needs are not being met, then he is "susceptible" to the charms of another woman. He did not succumb to another woman's charms...he actively SOUGHT OUT prostitutes.
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