Jarek fo
llows his brother Brendan, my other godchild, to ASU, where Brendan happens to be the team manager. Both boys fell in love with the great state of Arizona since their grandparents live there. During each Christmas vacation, they would visit and attend baseball camp at ASU. Now they will both be attending that school at the same time, Brendan as a junior and Jarek as a freshman.

Jarek was our Christmas baby being born right on Christmas Day. As his favorite godmother, I prefer to celebrate his birthday the day before Thanksgiving so he is not shortchanged in the gift department. He usually comes home to some balloons in his house with a birthday cake and my presents. This is our special celebration of his birthday.

As much as this is Jarek's dream, there is no one more excited about this than his father, my brother Michael. Himself a standout athlete, Jarek is following in his footsteps also playing shortstop. While Michael will probably tout himself as the greatest shortstop who ever lived (definitely his very own words), Jarek is undoubtedly better as I don't remember my brother being signed by a Division I school. I do remember, however, that he was being looked at by some major league teams but then the draft got in the way and his dream of playing major league baseball ended.
So my dear Jarek, as you graduate from high school and make your way to college, just remember one thing. Your Dad is not your #1 fan.....your Aunt Nancy is....and always remember that. Now make me even prouder of you than I already am.
What a sweet post. Good luck to Jarek! He sounds like quite a guy and has a great aunt/godmother/fan in you, Nancy.
My favorite nephew is graduating from college today and is waiting to hear from the Navy about OCS. He has taken and passed all the tests and is just waiting for his security clearance. We are so proud of him.
And just think....if you wrote a blog, you could tell everyone about this. I know, I know...you're too busy with painting furniture and relearning bridge.
Don't forget my watercolor class and all the hours and hours of homework I have to do for it.
Not to mention the two houses to which I am in servitude.
And the fact that I am old and tired! LOL
If I had known how many aches and pains I would have in my 60s, I would have enjoyed my 50s more! Heed my warning, my young friend.
I can see the title of my next blog....."Cue The Violins"
Eager ASU fan here looking for info about one of our incoming freshmen. Jarek sounds like a good kid and we are excited to have him coming to Tempe. He will be playing for one of the top programs in the country and will have a chance at a great education as well. Glad to hear that he's coming from a strong and supportive family, it'll help keep him grounded through his college career. Best of luck!
I just noticed that Jarek has just signed with my team the Pittsburgh Pirates. Watching his scouting video he has a good swing with an excellent range. I wish him the best of luck and hope he makes way to the Burgh soon.
Andrew -- you're very lucky I heard this from my brother before I read your post. lol I would have killed him for not letting me know right away. As Jarek's godmother, I have mixed feelings about this but I know he's doing what he really wants to do and that's play baseball.
As a long-time fan of the Pirates currently stationed at Fairchild AFB with the Air Force, I am thrilled to have him in the organization. I look forward to cheering for him at PNC Park someday.
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