Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Weekend in Review

It's always nice to get a day off, especially in a business where you are usually on call seven days a week. Because Monday was an official holiday, I didn't receive one call which was a nice break from my daily grind. While most people got to enjoy a full three day weekend, I had to work on Sunday doing an open house. In a market like this, I almost don't mind as we Realtors will do anything right now to get a listing sold. While I was working, I was, however, looking forward to getting home because I had company arriving at 4:30PM.

Liz and Bryan were at a birthday party on Saturday in Maryland and were going to stop in PA on their way home on Sunday. This was exciting for a few reasons. First of all, Saturday was Bryan's birthday so we were going to get to celebrate with him and give him his presents. While he doesn't scream like Liz does when he opens them, you know he's just as appreciative as she is. Secondly, Bryan's mother was visiting them from Florida so we would get to visit with her as well. Since we're in PA and they're in New York, we usually miss all of the visitors they get so this was going to be a nice treat for us. We had met Darlene at the wedding but hardly got to spend any time with her with all the activities going on at that time. Darlene is also a dog lover which was nice for Belle. Somehow dogs always know who likes them and tend to gravitate towards that person. And the third fun reason was that Keith had flown up to Maryland from Florida to also attend this party and he was coming here with Bryan and Liz and staying with us until Tuesday. Did you get all that?

I spent most of Saturday doing the cooking because I knew I wouldn't have any time on Sunday because of work. I made my famous potato salad which is a family favorite. Making potato salad is almost like giving birth. You forget how much is involved and swear you'll never do it again when it's happening. I also made fried chicken which was perfect because we could eat both things cold on Sunday. So all we had to do on Sunday was make a salad and we were done. It was such beautiful weather and we all congregated on the deck having a few drinks before dinner and actually eating out there. I had also sent Bob up to the local gourmet store to pick up a cheesecake and everyone remarked that it was the best cheescake they ever had. Bob then told us that they charged him $25 for this cake. I think that's a lot of money to spend on any cake and I'm definitely going up there tomorrow to check on that price. This is what's left of our $25 cheesecake. Originally it looked great, very Memorial Dayish with the flag on front made of blueberries and strawberries.

They went back to New York on Sunday night leaving Keith here. He could only be described as the energizer bunny. He just can't sit down and has to be doing something. He spent the entire day helping Bob in the backyard doing anything and everything to get the yard in pristine shape. To thank him for all his hard work, I made his very favorite dinner....chicken parmigiana. This is also Michael's favorite dinner as well so I got to kill two birds with one stone. Bob loved having his two sons here at the same time and they all got in some good bonding time while I was slaving away in the kitchen. I meant to take a picture of the three of them on the deck but, when I thought of it, my fingers were full of breadcrumbs and, by the time I cleaned them off, I had forgotten to do it. If I find a good picture of them tomorrow, I'll add it to this blog.

So that was our weekend. Hope yours was as good as ours. I'd say it was worth at least 2 pounds!!!


JoAnn said...

Couldn't you have invited a few GOOD friends??? LOL

Sounds like a lovely time.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Now you'll have me for a reader too, so no bad comments about Liz's MIL!
I was so impressed that Belle actually came up to me... proves 2 things: 1. She has good taste and 2. You guys have shown her what a difference a loving family makes in her life!
Good job; keep it up.