Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Momentous Day in our Family

April 2nd has always been one of the most important days in the Martin family. We're reminded of it months in advance so we have plenty of time to prepare for this occasion. When I think back to all the other April 2nd's I've celebrated, they can only bring a smile to my face as I was celebrating the birthday of one of the most special people in my life and that would be my daughter Liz. Even though I didn't give birth to her, she's every bit a daughter to me as if I had. She was four years old when I married my husband so I've gotten to celebrate 28 birthdays with her so far.

I often wonder what life would be like without being able to celebrate these birthdays. For one, I'd probably be wealthy. But, on the other hand, I would have missed out on some of the most fun moments in my life for to make Liz happy is to make everyone happy. I can't even begin to describe the joy she gets when she receives a gift. Since she loves anything that's a name brand, she starts screaming and crying as soon as she sees the box so that by the time she opens the present, it's almost anti-climatic. This kind of response makes me want to outdo myself in the present department each year. This is the first year I'll be buying presents for a "pregnant" Liz so most of the gifts will be maternity related.

In years past, with Bob working in New York City, we usually had dinner at a great restaurant there. Since he's now working in Philadelphia, sadly, this is no longer possible so our birthday celebration this year will have to be relegated to the weekend. And, as this weekend approaches, I say, "Let the Screaming Begin."


JoAnn said...

Now THIS was an interesting entry!!!!

TheReader23 said...

I tried to leave out anything poker related just to make you happy!!

TheReader23 said...

And come to think of it, O'Blog Critic, how about my post on Marjoram....that was tailor made for a comment by you!!! lol

JoAnn said...

regarding the snarky marjoram comment directed at me....LOL

I am waiting to go to the grocery store to smell it and see how it affects me. I probably have some, but have no idea of what recipe calls for it.

TheReader23 said...

Wow "snarky"....that sounds like a word I might use for a title of a future blog.