Friday, February 8, 2008

Fool Me Once..........

I have two brothers, Bobby and Michael, who defected to the west coast, many years ago, in search of a "kinder, gentler life." We like to say they weren't tough enough to make it in New York -- an inside family joke that they won't think is funny. lol They are both living in Spokane, Washington, the site of some record snowfall this 2008 winter season. I've received numerous phone calls and emails from them advising me of yet another storm. Last week, Michael, who is a teacher, had the entire week off because all the schools were closed.

Today I received yet another email from my brother Bobby advising me that the white stuff (and I mean the white stuff that falls from the sky) has hit once again. This is what his email said: "We had our 26th snow storm of the season last night. They finally plowed our street on Fox Point Drive." And he includes this picture with his email.

I couldn't believe my eyes. A "flurry" of emails went back and forth. From me: This is your street? You mean there are houses on the other side of these snowbanks? Is that your car? Who's taking the picture? Well, after going back and forth three or four times, he finally told me that was a picture from NYS Route 11 in Oswego, New York. Always the joker my Bobby. I thought the picture was so amazing that I decided it was worthy of a blog entry. Can you imagine driving through this? Can you say "highway avalanche"?

So, once again, New York proves to be the tougher place to live so their decision some thirty years ago was obviously the right one. They might have had 26 snowstorms but they don't have a picture like this to send me.


Anonymous said...

Funny post, Nancy!

My husband used to spend a lot of time in the upstate NY area and told me of these amazing scenes where you could not see over the snowbanks. Many people own "winter cars" which are in bad shape and cannot get much worse. People also put red items on their antennas so others can see them over the snowbanks. OY!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you know how much I hate Blogger/google???? I have signed up with them at least 5 times, and my password is never recognized. I give up.