I guess it was about ten years ago when I became Internet savvy. At the time, I only knew how to navigate AOL and found my way to some "book boards." This was a place where people (mostly women), who read a lot of books, congregated and talked about the books they were reading. These book boards not only introduced me to many new authors but also introduced me to some friends.....cyber friends as they're called because you talk to them online but have never met them. Such was the case with my friend JoAnn. We spoke for years about books and then about families and then about basically anything we could think of. This was all done online.
It was probably after five years of doing this that we did have our first phone c
onversation which was followed shortly thereafter by a personal meeting. At this time, she was no longer my cyber friend. She had graduated to full fledged friend. I liked her right from the start. My first attraction to her was that she was smart -- really smart. There wasn't anything I wanted to talk about that she wasn't fluent in. And she was a perfectionist. Boy do I love a perfectionist. But the thing that made her my BCFF, Best Cyber Friend Forever, was that she was also a great mother.

In my lif
etime, I've met plenty of good mothers and every once in awhile, I'll come upon a great mother. I know I've talked in the past about the people in my life who are truly my friends and I've even numbered them as being eight.....JoAnn is one of the eight. And she's the unexpected one. I thought I had already met all the best friends I was going to have in this lifetime and then she came along. I don't think there's a day that goes by that we don't speak online. But when I go back now and look at my best friends, this is a quality that, those of them who have children, have. They're all great mothers. So it's obviously something I'm drawn to. This is JoAnn at her daughter's wedding. Being the perfectionist she is, you can just imagine the planning that went into this affair.

I recently asked her daughter Laura about her mother's work experience
because I didn't want to get any of my facts wrong in this blog. I knew she had been an editor but Laura explained that, in addition to that, she was a Mom.....and the best kind of Mom there was. A Mom who never made her do anything she wasn't comfortable doing, one who supported her and encouraged her at what she was good at, and most of all a Mom who was just there for her. In other words, a Mom who was also her best friend. And now she's one of my best friends and I feel honored. Last year the whole family went to Ireland and this is a picture of all of them. In addition to thinking we also have the best kids in the world, we also agree that we both got the best sons-in-law that ever lived.

I can just laugh out loud sometimes when I think of JoAnn and think of me asking her a simple question.....like what kind of lamps do you think look best in a baby's room? Before you know it, I have an email with five different links to five different sites selling lamps. She's a fun friend as well because we're both politically inclined the same way and I can say things to her that I wouldn't say to the everyday Susie. She's great like that. It's been over a decade that we've been members of these book boards and when you have a lot of strong minded women talking to each other on a daily basis, the talk sometimes gets heated. In this regard, JoAnn has been my most loyal friend, never faltering in our friendship. She has always been there for me no matter what.
As I'm typing this, I just got an instant message from JoAnn. This is exactly how it went and is so typical of our chats:
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:55:54 PM): is pinot grigio a white wine?
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:56:00 PM): yes
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:56:20 PM): you mean there's something in this world you don't know
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:56:41 PM): I saw you were online and knew you would know, so I did not have to look it up
QuAppelle(JoAnn) (9:56:47 PM): LOL
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:56:48 PM): lol
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:57:00 PM): what is the red wine that sarts with pinot
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:57:04 PM): pinot noir?
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:57:58 PM): yes that's a red wine
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:56:00 PM): yes
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:56:20 PM): you mean there's something in this world you don't know
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:56:41 PM): I saw you were online and knew you would know, so I did not have to look it up
QuAppelle(JoAnn) (9:56:47 PM): LOL
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:56:48 PM): lol
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:57:00 PM): what is the red wine that sarts with pinot
QuAppelle (JoAnn) (9:57:04 PM): pinot noir?
HRDCOVERS (Me) (9:57:58 PM): yes that's a red wine
She just cracks me up.....every single day. And JoAnn holds one other very important distinction in our friendship. She comments on my blog more than anyone else I know. I so appreciate reading her comments. And she knows I appreciate it and she continues to do it because she knows how happy it makes me. Granted, every once in awhile she will disagree with what I write and she will be the first person to tell me. That, my dear, is the sign of a "great" friendship. So what that she doesn't like books written by Indian authors and refuses to watch Big Brother, she seems to like everything else I do.
I know
all about her likes and dislikes, her grandson Charmer (a golden retriever)
and her beloved cat Isaac. She sends me pictures
of both all the time. Little does she know that I'll shortly be returning the favor when my grandson arrives next month. So I got to thinking that perhaps all of my best friends were animal lovers as well and, now that I think of it, they all are. I just have to post pictures of this cat and dog for you all to see. Afterall, I think I have at least fifty of each animal on file so I might just as well share them with you. And then this one of both Isaac and Charmer is just hysterical. Charmer definitely just puts up with Isaac and probably can't wait to have his house back again counting the minutes until Isaac leaves.

So on this very special day, my dear friend JoAnn, I have a present for you. We
will meet for lunch at Maggiano's on Wednesday, October 22nd. You wanted a firm date for our next meeting and there it is. It will be your special belated birthday celebration with your very best cyber friend. This happy birthday greeting reminded me of you because it looks like the word Birthday is partially in the water, right near your beach house. So start counting off the days. You'll see me in 105. Happy Birthday!!!!!!

I love this. :) You are such a special friend to my mom!! We are having internet issues at home (I'm at work), but I'll make sure she sees this today even if I have to drive her up to my office. Happy Birthday, Mom! xoxo
Well, I had to stop crying before I wrote this comment! This entry of yours will be my most cherished birthday gift. I cannot believe what a thoughtful thing you did for me. Then again, you do so many special things that I really DO believe it.
I am so lucky to be able to call you "friend". It is no wonder to me that you have so many good, old friends...you know how to nurture those friendships.
Thank you for today's gift and the upcoming one too!
I kinda know all these great things about Joann! You see I have been a cyber buddy for 10 years but have only met 2 or 3 times and early on! However it was wonderful to read your lovely post about a great friend. She and I are also birthday twins..yes,today is my birthday too! Joann is also a great one to "whine" to as I have done over the years on many a long email!! She always gives great advise!
Thanks for a truly wonderful piece on our mutual pal!
Reeves Honey
Nancy, what a wonderful tribute for a wonderful lady.....I have know Joann for about 23 years. We met in a COLD ice skating rink and spent many a day talking, laughing and bitching about the cost of the ice skating lessons.
But, it gave me a chance to really get to know her and she is truly a good, kind person that is loyal.
Happy 49th Joanne.
P.S. I love Pinot Noir.....Are you into wine???????
I can't imagine someone "getting" someone so perfectly, but you did. I have know Joann since high school (she was in my sister's class) and we ended up going to UofD together (and we have stories to tell!) We really had lost touch except for my sister keeping me up to date, but I had the pleasure of sharing a trip to St. Petersburg with her, my sister and another friend recently. Soooo good to re-connect. She cracks me up too LOL and I cannot wait to check everyday to see what she has written (always well....). And she definitely is the BEST person to whine to - like having an on-line therapist.
Happy Birthday Joann - and Nancy - what a wonderful gift!
What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful friend!! Like everyone else who knows JoAnn is probably thinking, "I wish I had said that!" You captured her personality and her heart so beautifully. Clearly you know JoAnn well and know the things that she cherishes most (and that we all cherish about her): her family, her cat, her books and her friends.
Thank you for speaking on behalf of all of us who love JoAnn! I'm glad that someone as special as JoAnn knows the love of a true friend like you.
I too know JoAnn as a cyber friend. And I remember you from the AOL days. I was thinking about doing a blog for a Thursday Thirteen about the 13 best friends I've never met. The internet and books have combined to enhance our world!
(If you remember me, it would be as my screen name DiNeer526.)
Lovely, insightful, and oh such true comments regarding our very special friend, JoAnn! Through her example, she has taught those blessed enough to be among her friends how to nurture and relish the joys and support of lasting friendships. xoxo Barbara
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