Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Belated Thanksgiving Entry

This is so late that I almost decided not to blog about it. But then I remembered how cute Brady looked in his Thanksgiving outfit (given to him by my cousin Colleen) and felt the need to post some pictures. Here he is with Bryan and Liz, who never take their hands off him. Most of the time, they actually bump heads when they go in to kiss him at the exact same time.

I always cook on Thanksgiving except for one year when we decided to drive into Queens to visit my mother. After spending over three hours in the car in bumper-to-bumper traffic, we finally arrived, picked her up and headed off to the restaurant where we had reservations. After eating turkey that tasted like cardboard, we vowed never to eat out again on Thanksgiving. Now that my mother is living in Pennsylvania, it makes it a lot easier.

I think I spend as much time figuring out what tablecloth, dishes, napkins and glasses to use as I do cooking the actual meal. Over the years, I've bought so many different entertaining items and I just love setting up the table for each holiday. Here's a picture of my 2008 Thanksgiving table.

I should have taken another picture after everyone was sitting down but forgot. So please picture my mother and Michael on the left side of the table, Bob at the other head and Liz and Bryan on the right....Brady is on the far right in his infant seat.

Everyone said it was one of the best meals I've cooked yet even though I made the same thing I make every year. Sometimes, though, it just turns out better. There's no rhyme or reason for it. I think as women, we usually follow the same menu our own mother's made on this holiday. Mine consists of mashed potatoes (I definitely make the best), sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn, mushrooms (another speciality of mine) and, of course, the turkey and gravy (Bob's speciality). We usually have to wait about two hours after the meal to have the dessert which is usually an assortment of pies.

The day after Thanksgiving, Liz and I usually brave the crowds and go Christmas shopping. We went to Short Hills Mall in New Jersey this year. It's an upscale mall and, while it was crowded, it wasn't unbearable.

So all in all, it was another successful Thanksgiving in the Martin house.


JoAnn said...

Love the pictures...Brady is darling and your table is gorgeous.

An important question.....Do you mash or smash your potatoes?

TheReader23 said...

I mash them with warm milk and butter.

Eloise said...

Your table is beautiful! Your meal sounds delicious too. Next time take some pictures of the food!