Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Other Son.....Gone

Michael has had the same best friend through high school and then as a roommate at Penn State. His friend Dan has been the most loyal friend a guy could have. I always considered him another son and made sure he accompanied us on all of our family vacations. When I think of how Dan always addressed me, the only way I could remember is by him calling me Mom. He always said it laughingly but I know he considered me his second Mom.

These pictures were taken when we went to the Atlantis Hotel in the Bahamas. Both boys were under 21 at the time but definitely enjoyed all the fun they could have in the Bahamas where drinking and gambling were legal as long as you were over 18. This was one of my favorite vacations and one I won't forget.

Dan passed away yesterday in Florida at the age of 24. We're all devastated. I'm not going to get into the circumstances surrounding his death because it's unimportant. What's important is that I'll never see his face again or ever hear his voice. Another life cut short by this dreaded five letter word....death.

When I was growing up, I don't remember having to deal with the death of any friends yet, in Michael's short life, he seems to have faced so many. This, by far, is the worst though. The services will be held on Sunday morning and Michael will be a pallbearer carrying his friend one last time.

This picture was taken of Michael and Dan outside the Bellagio Hotel where we were all celebrating Michael's 21st birthday.....another most memorable vacation.

Dan, you can't imagine how much I'm going to miss your smiling face.
Your other Mom


JoAnn said...

I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. Please convey my condolences to Michael too.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." (from an Irish headstone).

May your memories bring you comfort.

Hugs from JOANN

Nat said...

That's horrible news. I'm sorry for your loss.