Saturday, August 16, 2008


Don't have time to post an entire blog entry but just wanted to share this news.....

He's arrived --

Brady Robert Love born August 16, 2008 at 9:09AM weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 21" long. I might also mention that this was our anniversary present from Bryan and Liz as today is our 28th wedding anniversary. Here's the first picture I took of him....hoping his other grandparents (Bryan's Mom and Dad and Stepmom) get to see this because I'm not sure when Bryan will get on his computer to send them the photos as Liz won't let him leave her side.

I'll write more on this later.


JoAnn said...


Nice anniversary gift....your anniversary is already better than your crappy birthday.

He's a cutie, and love the name.

Hope everyone is well.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Nancy! We had counted on the web cam which doesn't seem to be working in the hospital for some reason! Then the phone picture didn't work.... and I told Bryan to go home to shower and download me the pictures.... Liz made him use a wash rag! LOL
Congraulations to us Grandparents!
Grandma Darlene

Laura said...

Congratulations, Nancy! He looks perfect.

Eloise said...

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations all around and a warm welcome to Master Brady.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, he is the cutest little guy. Love the name. He doesn't know how lucky he is to have you for a grandma. Congratulations.
I know exactly how you are feeling!!!