Monday, August 10, 2009

She's Here -- Katy Elizabeth

On Saturday morning at 5:47AM, Katy Elizabeth Love graced us with her presence as she entered the world and became part of our family.

I received an email from Bryan's mother Darlene wondering why this baby is now three days old and I have yet to post it on my blog. So here she is for all to see......our precious little bundle of joy.

I will post more about the delivery tomorrow but wanted to make sure I made the Florida grandmother happy. Enjoy.


Laura said...

She is beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Nancy. Now if she checks your blog when she's older she won't feel badly!
Grandma Darlene

Amber M. said...

Congratulations to you! She is beautiful!!

Linda N said...

These kids have a beautiful mother and handsome father, how could they not be gorgeous!!!! Linda