Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March Roars In Like A Lion

I don't think I can remember a month of March that didn't have a big snowfall whether I was living in New York or Pennsylvania. The saying "March roars in like a lion" couldn't be more true.

As far as sports go, March was always the month they had the school baseball tryouts and I'll never forget waiting in the car for Michael to come in out of the freezing cold after each tryout. As far as work goes, since I'm in real estate, mostly every listing I get during the month of March has pictures of the home with snow on the ground.

The year 2009 hasn't been any different as the snow arrived before I even had a chance to change the calendar on the wall from February to March. I'm happy to report that I know two individuals who love the snow. One is our beloved border collie Belle.....

And the other is our grandson Brady who witnessed his first time out in the snow yesterday in his adorable "first" snowsuit.

So since there are no longer any baseball tryouts for Michael and I haven't yet listed anything for March, the snow became quite enjoyable.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Great pictures of both of your "babies".