Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Margie!!!

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish one of my favorite aunts a very Happy Birthday. My Aunt Margie is my mother's youngest sister and was the youngest of the four Flay sisters.....three of which are still alive.

For as long as I've known her, she was always the Aunt who didn't live in Brooklyn, moving to Long Island (Hicksville) and then Rockland County (New City) before any of the other sisters ventured out of the borough. She was married to my Uncle Bob who was in the insurance industry and wore a suit to work every day which was a big deal back then.

Some of my summer vacations were spent visiting my Aunt Margie for a week at her house in the country which was such a treat for me. She was always so unbelievably nice and the thing I remembered most about her was that she never got mad and she never yelled at anyone. I absolutely loved going to her house. This picture shows many of us at her home for some special occasion. Aunt Margie is the second from the left on the sofa and I'm on the very right on the floor in this photo.

Aunt Margie is an avid reader of my blog (as is her daughter Holly) so I thought it was only fitting to give her a very special birthday treat by making a blog post all about her. I'd also like to add that she was my father's favorite and while I'm sure my mother didn't appreciate having to take her younger sister on dates with my father, my father didn't mind at all because he had such a special relationship with my Aunt Margie. I have many pictures of all of them together somewhere in my house and, when I get a free minute, I'm going to add them to this entry so come back to view this for a second time.

So Happy Birthday Aunt Margie......I love you a lot!!!!


JoAnn said...

Happy birthday Aunt Margie! Today is my husband's birthday too.

Nancy, looking at you in that photo is like looking at Michael!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy! that was a great tribut to my mom and her birthday!!
love, cousin holly