Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Big Snowfall

All week long, the weather forecasters have been predicting a huge snowstorm for our area this week.......somewhere in the area of 12" to 18". For once in their lives, they were correct. They didn't predict that we would also lose our power which is beyond annoying as we also lose water and flushing toilets when we're without power. When we lived on Long Island, we hardley ever lost power. Since we've been living in Pennsylvania (for 24 years now), it is a common occurrence to lose your power whenever there's a storm. I don't know why we haven't bought a generator yet but, after this storm, I'm seriously considering it as nothing makes me angrier than being without power. Here's some pictures for your viewing pleasure.... (It's so annoying that I can't figure out how to space these closer).


JoAnn said...

Great photos....and they ARE closer together!

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