Friday, January 1, 2010



I don't think I've ever been as happy to say good-bye to a year as I am to say farewell to 2009. Between my mother's stroke, the awful real estate market and the overall doom and gloom of the economy, it's about time for some good news. And 2010 has a nice ring to it and I'm hoping it brings only good things for everyone.

We closed out the year last night with dinner at PF Changs (courtesy of a gift card from Keith) and seeing the movie Invictus starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. I definitely recommend it. We had intended to see either It's Complicated or Up In the Air but both were sold out. We had already seen Blind Side which was one of the better, feel-good movies I've seen in a long time.

This was the third year that Kathy Griffin joined Anderson Cooper on CNN to bring in the New Year. I'm not usually a CNN watcher but the combination of these two just cracks me up. She really brings out the best and the funniest in him. Last year, she upset the bigwigs at CNN with her foul mouth and this year, it was in her contract that if she said anything even remotely connected with the "f" word, she would have to give them their check back. Well, I think she'll be writing out that check because when they was talking about the "balloon boy" Falcon, she was trying to pronounce his name and it sure sounded like she said something that would give CNN grounds to get their money back. When she said it, I had to rewind my DVR just to see if I really heard what I heard and I did. But that was the fun of the entire night.....just watching to see if she could make it through two and a half hours with a clean mouth. For as "D" list as she is, I just love Kathy Griffin. I don't think anyone makes me laugh as much as she does. And I became a huge Anderson Cooper fan when he first hosted the TV show, The Mole, and then again when he guest hosts for Regis Philbin when he's out. The matchup of Anderson Cooper and Kelly Ripa is right up there with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin.

Another thing they did that I loved was when the clock stroke midnight and the ball fell, instead of having to listen to them talking, they just panned the crowds for a full ten minutes which was a spectacular fest of people watching. I changed channels just to see what ABC was doing and they were airing a commercial. ABC had some great musical talent and Ryan Seacrest but I think it's about time that Dick Clark passed the torch and removed himself from the show. I would bet that half of the generation of watchers that ABC is trying to draw probably don't even know who he is. There comes a time when the older generation has to step aside for the younger generation to take over......did you hear that Mary Hart of Entertainment Tonight???? How much more face work can you get before your sixty plus years start to show?

So, of course, like everyone else, I'll make the usual resolutions that will be broken before the first week in January has come to a close. But I'll still make them and see how far I can get.

1) I would like to blog more because I've definitely been slacking.

2) I would like to lose weight and I actually have a plan for doing's a secret though.

3) I would like to read more books than I did in 2009. I ended up finishing 32 books which was up from my 2008 total of 19 books. For 2010, I'd like to at least hit 40.

4) I would like to see more movies. I only ended up seeing 7 this year which was down from my 2008 total of 10.

5) I would like to win or final table a live poker tournament. The closest I've come is 11th place in a Ladies' event and 21st place in a Deep Stack event.

6) I would like to have at least one real estate transaction per month in 2010. In 2009, I went months and months without any. This is compared to previous years when I had multiple transactions every single month of the year.

7) I would like to make myself available to spend more time with my friends. Upon reading this resolution, it will probably take my friend JoAnn about two seconds to email me pinning me down to a definite date.

8) I would like to go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier in the day. I'm such a night person but this means I waste so much time in the day because I can't get up early.

9) I would like to take better care of myself which means getting all the tests done that the doctor says I should be doing at my age. Also, a face lift would be nice. lol

10) I would like to exercise least three days a week of doing something.

Notice that I've started each resolution with the words "I would" instead of "I will".....I think that's telling. In any event, at the end of this year, we'll see how I did. The one thing I know for sure that I will do is buy a new laptop. This is one of the things that causes me to stop blogging because my laptop is so annoyingly slow and the keys stick and the pictures won't load and then it just becomes too much of a hassle. So a new computer is definitely on the list for 2010.

I'll be doing a separate post with my "best of" and "worst of" (yes that's you Tiger) for 2009 so look for that in the next day or so.

In closing, I'd like to wish all of my friends and family and blog followers a happy and, more importantly, healthy 2010.


JoAnn said...

I hate to be so predictable, but when can we have lunch?

I am still waiting for my birthday lunch -- from 2006!!!!

JoAnn said...

I love Kathy Griffin too...and pairing her with Anderson Cooper was sheer genius. I recorded the show and am looking forward to watching it soon! I did see bits and pieces but not the parts to which you referred.

Comments on your resolutions...

I read about 60 books and abandoned 39. When you are a big girl, Nancy, you too will be able to do abandon crappy books!

I would like you to blog more, too. Your posts are always so good.

I could say the same things that you did in #8, 9, and 10.

And last but not least BUY A MAC !!!!

Nat said...

Happy NY Nancy, I hope you achieve your 2010 goals :)

Unknown said...

Nancy, every time I read your blog I literally picture you sitting in a chair across from me chatting in a conversational tone. Anyway Happy New Year! Had a great time with Mike in Tahoe.